Monday, May 14, 2007

मी दिवसभर कितीही दंगा केला
तरी मला थोपटल्याशिवाय आई कधी झोपली नाही...
घरापासून दूर आता म्हणूनच कदाचित
शांत झोप कधी लागली नाही...

कुणी विचारतं...
" तुला घरी जावंसं वाटत नाही......???"
कसं सांगू त्यांना, घरातून निघताना
आईला मारलेली मिठी सोडवत नाही...

आई, तू सांगायची गरज नाही
तुला माझी आठवण येते...

माझे मन देखील येथे
तुझ्यासाठिच झुरते...

तुझ्या हातचा चहा
तुझ्या हातची पोळी...
तुझ्या हातची माझी नावडती भाजीही खायला
माझी जीभ आसुसली...

घरापासून दूर...
आई जग खूप वेगळं आहे
तुझ्या सावलित अगदी बिनधास्त होते
आता रणरणतं ऊन आहे...

तू आपल्या पिलांसाठी
सगळं केलंस...
एक दिवस पिलं म्हणाली , "आई, आता आम्हाला जायचंय ..."
आणि तू त्यांना जाऊ दिलंस

आई, तू इथे नाहीस
बाक़ी माझ्याकडे सगळं आहे...
घरापासून दूर
जग खूप वेगळं आहे......

My Precious Treasure......

Who is......
my ideal....
my guide.....
my teacher.....
my caretaker.....
my best friend.....
My Mother......
Yes...... My Mama....... who has been & is always there for me whenever I need her........ & even when I dont need her........
But all this that I feel for her..... her need....... the way she has cared for me & brought me up in a very secured & happy much she strived & kept me away from all the evil & bad people...... all......... all that she has done for me........ I understood & felt only when I went away from her......... that is in last 4 yrs....
Like everybody....... even I took her for granted........ (even now I take her for granted, but.... d difference is that now I know it....) Always ........ shouted at her when I was angry....... cried in her arms when I was sad..... demanded that I wanted....... & she has beared everything........ without even uttering a word........ or shouting at me....
Now....... when I'm away from her for days together........ I know how much she has done for me........(is doing for me) Now I know the importance of she being there for me always........ whenever I wanted her.......... hearing patiently to everything that I have to say & share with her......... being happy when I'm happy ......... crying when I'm hurt & sad......... being strict when I'm rude & wrong........ guiding me......... Making me strong & confident....... making me capable of taking my own decisions.......... (right or wrong)........ n to face the results of it.......... Well - well......... the list is never-ending.........
But the most important that she tells me since from childhood:
"There are positive & negative qualities in every person....... but always search & take atleast one positive quality"
There are many such important things that she has told & taught me....... that I will follow for whole life......... but this is the one that I like the most....... which is also the easiest........
I remember a nice story which truly explains all that a mother does for us..... n also how we are towards her.......
A small boy..... who has just given his exams & started with summer holidays..... starts to go to his fathers shop..... there he see's his father giving bills the work he is doing......He see's this for 2-3 days & thinks of doing the same with his mother........ So the next day, he writes:
brought milk - 5 rs.
took care of baby - 10 rs.
helped in d work - 5 rs.
brought medicine - 10 rs.
Total - 30 rs.
He keeps this bill so that its easily seen by his mother & leaves ot play....... Next day, early in the morning when he wakes up......... he see's near his pillow 30 rs. & a bill written by his mother....... which goes like this:
took care of u when u were ill - 0 rs.
taught u to read & write - 0 rs.
taught u to walk & talk - 0 rs.
gave everything u wanted - 0 rs.
Total - nothing
As soon as he reads this......... he starts crying & goes to his mother........ his mother takes him into her arms & says.........
" All that I have done for u is now paid by your tears.........."
Thanks a lot Maa.......
For everything...